“Understanding Vaccines” Topic for Virtual Oxford Science Café

UM Health Center staff show off their bandages after getting the first doses of their COVID vaccines. The history and variety of vaccines is the topic for the Jan. 19 edition of the university’s Science Cafe, which will be available on Zoom. Photo by Kevin Bain/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services

The history and variety of vaccines – including the recent development of vaccines for COVID-19 – is the topic for a virtual Oxford Science Cafe scheduled for Jan. 19 by University of Mississippi faculty researchers.

The Virtual Oxford Science Cafe program will be hosted on Zoom beginning at 6 p.m. Wayne Gray, instructional assistant professor of biology, will discuss “Understanding Vaccines: Preventing Diseases from Smallpox to COVID-19.”

“Vaccines are a miracle of modern medicine,” Gray said. “These days, everyone is talking about vaccines and hoping for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Questions to be addressed during the 45-minute webcast include: How do they work to prevent disease? How safe are vaccines, and why do some people have concerns about vaccines? What is herd immunity? What are the various types of vaccines?

“We’ll review the history of vaccines and discuss several of the more than 20 vaccines that are now routinely given to children and adults,” Gray said. “Finally, we’ll examine the current COVID-19 vaccines and consider their effectiveness and safety. 

“Issues regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution will be discussed.”

To view the Science Cafe, go to https://olemiss.zoom.us/j/97568315885.

By Edwin B. Smith

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
Sports Editor