New Checkers Drive-Thru Given Thumbs Up from Oxford Planning Commission

The site plan for the new Checkers drive-thru on West Jackson Avenue was approved by the Oxford Planning Commission Monday night. File photo.

The site plan for the new Checkers drive-thru was approved by the Oxford Planning Commission Monday night.

Checkers is moving into the old Abner’s building on West Jackson Avenue. Abner’s shutdown at that location in 2018. The Abner’s restaurant on the south corner of the Square remains open for business.

Checkers first came to Oxford in 2011 on the corner of South Lamar Boulevard and University Avenue, directly across from where Abner’s is still located; however, that restaurant closed a year later.

The owner/applicant is Sedrick Turner owns several Checkers in north Mississippi. Checkers will be a single-lane drive-thru, a walk-up window and an outside area for eating.

The drive-thru restaurant is expected to open in early 2021.

Revisions to the site include modifications to the facade, the addition of three parking lot canopy trees, the addition of three frontage trees, the addition of a parking lot island on the east side of the lot, and the addition of a van accessible parking space.

Because the use of the building will be of very similar use to what existed prior, and no previous complaints or issues relating to traffic at this location have been reported, the Planning Department said a traffic study was not required.

The commission followed the recommendation of the Planning staff and approved the site plan unanimously as part of an overall approval for several cases listed under the Consent Agenda.