Lafayette County Under Mask Mandate by Governor’s Order

Lafayette County is now under a mandatory mask mandate by order of Gov. Tate Reeves.

On Tuesday, Reeves announced several additional counties, including Lafayette, that have qualified and met certain requirements to be placed under mask mandates with his “Safe Recovery” executive order that is in effect until Dec. 11.

Joining Lafayette County are Alcorn, Attala, Bolivar, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lawrence, Lincoln, Lowndes, Neshoba, Panola, Perry, Prentiss, Stone, Tippah, Tishomingo and Union.

As of Friday, 41 of Mississippi’s 82 counties are included within this order.

Since Nov. 19, Lafayette County has had 182 new cases. As of today, there are 300 active cases in Lafayette County.

The city of Oxford has had a mask mandate in place since March. Lafayette County previously had a mask mandate, but the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors did not extend their order which ended Sept. 30.

Masks must be worn indoors at all public establishments and businesses, and groups are limited to 10 people indoors and 50 people outdoors where social distancing cannot occur.

“As we go into Thanksgiving, please be extra cautious and look out for your loved ones. These are critical times,” Reeves said during a press conference Tuesday. “There is much more COVID-19 around us, and therefore a greater risk that you pass the virus to someone that you love dearly.”

A copy of the executive order can be found here