Pearson, Carpenter Vie for Lafayette District 3 Election Commissioner

Hotty Toddy News will be running stories about local candidates in the upcoming Nov. 3 election throughout the rest of the week. Today we focus on Election Commission races for District 3 and 4. District 1, 2, and 5 are unopposed.

Election Commissioners are responsible for running elections in Lafayette County, whether they are local elections and referendums, or presidential elections. They are elected every four years by the citizens of Lafayette County. Duties include checking voters’ identification when they vote, assisting in voter registration, testing of voting machines and assisting the Circuit Court Clerk on election days with absentee and affidavit votes.

One of the most important duties of Election Commissions is maintaining accurate voter rolls and poll books.

District 3 includes Abbeville, College Hill, the Stone Center and Taylor voting precincts.

Lola Pearson has been an election commission since 2015 and has worked as a poll manager at Stone Center for 14 years. She says her integrity and dedication to all voters make her the best candidate.

Lola Pearson. Photo provided

“I will always make sure I take care of every voters’ need in a non-partisan and professional manner,” she said.

As a commissioner, she has advocated for a larger and ore adequate voting precinct in District 3 and orchestrated the first poll manager banquet for the district to show appreciation to each poll manager.

She is married to William Pearson of Pearson’s Construction for 45 years and the mother of two daughters – Tiffinne Pearson-Suggs and Erica Pearson. She is an active member of Second Baptist Church.

Pearson is joined by Phillip Carpenter on the ballot for District 3 Election Commissioner.

Carpenter said he decided to run for this position as he has always been interested in the voting process.

Phillip Carpenter

“I felt my experience would be a benefit to the office of Election Commissioner,” he said.

Carpenter graduated from Oxford High School and earned a Business Administration degree at the University of Mississippi. While retired now, he has more than 30 years of banking experience.

“Being retired, I have time to give back and felt my over 30 years experience in managing millions of dollars and detailed customer information would be an asset in maintaining voter rolls and running elections according to the law,” he said.

Carpenter is married to Carol Carpenter and is a member of North Oxford Baptist Church.