Student-Athletes Begin Strength and Conditioning Workouts with Love
By Adam Brown
Sports Editor
The Ole Miss football team stepped back into the Manning Center for voluntary in-person workouts on Monday.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March, student-athletes have not been able to be on college campuses and all athletic activities were suspended through May 31.
On May 22, the SEC voted that athletes will be able to return to their facilities June 8.
Players got to condition for the upcoming season with first-year strength and conditioning coach Wilson Love who came to Ole Miss with head coach Lane Kiffin.
“It’s an incredible feeling (having the guys in the facility). You miss those guys for so long,” Love said. “You only get seven weeks with them in the winter and just to finally see them and be around them is an incredible experience.”
Coach Love and the training staff used the COVID-19 quarantine time to evaluate and see how they could make the 2020 team the best program.
“It was almost a blessing in disguise,” he said. “Because you get to question things you have done in the past and read different materials. I challenged the staff every week to have certain topics.
“You don’t really get those opportunities much in that kind of time to rethink things and make it the best program for the kids that you can.”