Fosters Thank Mississippi Mutts for Unconditional Puppy Love

By Glenn Kelaher and Meg Stamos interns;

Mississippi Mutts is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to rescue, foster, transport, and adopt abandoned dogs in the greater Oxford area.

Their goal is to eliminate the overpopulation issue that has become alarmingly relevant in Mississippi because of the large number of unwanted dogs stuck in shelters or deserted on the streets. Mississippi Mutts touches lives all over Oxford, allowing college students and families the opportunity to give dogs the second chance they deserve.

Mississippi Mutts puppy
Mississippi Mutts opens its doors to all dogs with the pursuit of giving them a temporary home that will ultimately change the dog’s life, while also making its impact on the fosters. Photo by Olivia Wells.

In July of 2017, an Ole Miss student decided it was time to make a change; she became aware of the overpopulation issue and knew the best way to handle it would be to transport the dogs out of Mississippi and to Chicago.

“There are different areas around the United States where there is a huge desire for adoption. Chicago happens to be one of those places. The dogs have a much higher likelihood of finding a permanent home there,” said Myriah Pitt, a Mississippi Mutts employee.

Mississippi Mutts opens its doors to all dogs with the pursuit of giving them a temporary home that will ultimately change the dog’s life, while also making its impact on the fosters.

“The best part about fostering was just having Gigi’s company. Usually, my roommates and I would hang out in our own individual rooms, but Gigi brought us so much closer together. It was hard work, but she would brighten my mood every single day just looking at her sweet face,” said Elizabeth Scott, a junior at Ole Miss, who had the opportunity to foster a puppy earlier in the semester.

Deciding to foster a dog while being a full-time student is a commitment. Some make the decision in the spur of the moment and it becomes apparent they are not ready which causes issues for Mississippi Mutts.

“We have people who just think that they are ready, and do not realize how much work it is. You have to wake up and take them out and they are going to cry at night, stuff like that. People will come to pick up a puppy or a dog and within a day we get a call of them saying they can’t foster, it’s too much work,” Pitt said.

Although some situations do not work out, Mississippi Mutts tends to find fosters who know they are ready to commit to their decision.

Scott thought about the idea of fostering and discussed with her roommates before making the decision. She wanted everyone to be on the same page.

“Honestly, the reason I wanted to foster at first was because I love dogs. I wanted to be able to have a dog for two weeks without committing to a permanent responsibility that neither me nor my roommates were ready to take on,” Scott said.

Some people may turn a blind eye to Mississippi Mutts because they are not aware of how simple and rewarding the process of fostering is. Mississippi Mutts provides all their fosters with the essentials for the comfort and stability of the dogs: food, toys, treats, and cages.

“The process of getting Gigi was fairly easy. I emailed Mississippi Mutts saying that I wanted to foster, and they immediately sent me forms to fill out. It was so quick, they responded asking if I could pick her up the next day.

“Mississippi Mutts gave us all the supplies we needed to foster. They provided us with a kennel, food, a leash, toys, and even treats,” Scott said.

Both Pitt and Scott found unconditional love from Mississippi Mutts. Understanding the benefits both the humans and the dogs receive from Mississippi Mutts allows the process to be unforgettable.

Dogs hold a special place in their fosters’ heart, it is so rewarding hearing the news of their adoption once they have reached Chicago. Mississippi Mutts makes it possible to help change lives all over the state. They make it easy for everyone, show your interest by contacting them and there will be a dog waiting for pickup.