Lafayette County to Hand Out Free KN95 Masks Thursday
By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Lafayette County will be giving out free KN95 masks to residents on Thursday.
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency distributed more than a million masks to every county in Mississippi. Lafayette County received 23,200.
On Thursday, May 28, from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., residents can pick up four masks per vehicle by driving through the parking lot at the Lafayette County Multipurpose Arena on 70 F.D. Buddy East Parkway.
The KN95 mask filters out 95 percent of the particulates out of the air which is what is required for COVID-19 protection, according to Steve Quarles, Lafayette County emergency management director.
“The downside is because they filter more, it is harder to breath wearing one of these masks,” he said. “These masks would be used when you are wanting the most protection or when you are in a place you feel might be more likely to have individuals who are positive, such as bringing needed items to someone who is in isolation.”