Lafayette County Reporting 10 COVID-19 Cases; State Jumps to 485

As of this morning, the Mississippi State Department of Health is reporting 108 new cases of COVID-19 in the state since yesterday.

The total number of positive cases is now at 485. Lafayette County has 10 reported positive cases. Yalobusha County has three cases and Panola County has four cases.

On Wednesday, Oxford Mayor Robyn Tannehill said two Ole Miss students self-reported that they had tested positive.

The MSDH stated this morning that the sudden rise in positive cases being reported is due to expanded testing statewide.

There has been six COVID-19-related deaths in Mississippi.

More details of COVID-19 in the state, along with preventive steps to take against COVID-19, are online at .

Call the Mississippi Coronavirus Hotline at 877-978-6453 any time with questions.

Staff report