UM Commencement Postpone; Online Classes Only for Rest of Semester

University of Mississippi Chancellor Glenn Boyce announced Thursday afternoon that the 2020 Commencement ceremonies will be postponed to an unspecified date in efforts to maximize social distancing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also announced that the university will deliver all course content online or via other remote methods for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester.

Boyce said the call on when the Commencement ceremony will be held will be driven by public health considerations, depending on how the virus spreads.

“One way or another, we will find a way to recognize and celebrate the significant achievements of the members of the Class of 2020,” he said.

Boyce said the public health imperative to maintain social distancing and avoid large gatherings creates a challenge for on-campus residents to retrieve their belongings safely from our residence halls.

“The university is developing and will announce an appointment-based system at a later date for students to return to campus to retrieve personal belongings from their residence hall or university-owned apartment,” he said. “Our operating environment has many unknowns at this time, so the time frame for these appointments will be dictated by public health considerations.”

All residence halls and rooms will remain locked until further notice. Students are not authorized to return to University Housing facilities until further notice.

“While this action is necessary, I’m particularly saddened by this abrupt and unexpected ending to the campus experience for our seniors as they prepare to embark on their lives after college,” Boyce said in a written statement.

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“I know the Ole Miss family will come together and support each other through these uncertain times,” Boyce said.

Staff report