By Alyssa Schnugg
News editor
Much like the rest of Mississippi, the majority of Lafayette County Democrats who voted Tuesday in the primary threw their support behind Joe Biden who received 67 percent of the votes.
Candidate Bernie Sanders drew the second largest number of votes with 27 percent of the votes.
Of the 31,667 registered voters in Lafayette County, 7,008, or 22.13 percent showed up to the polls Tuesday.
About 500,000 people in Mississippi voted Tuesday with equal votes – about 250,000 – voting on either the Republican or Democrat ballot.
More Democrats than Republicans voted in Lafayette County Tuesday. According to the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s Office, 4,546 voters cast votes on the Democratic ballot compared to just 2,430 people who voted Republican.
Statewide, Biden led with 81 percent of the votes and received 29 delegates. Sanders received about 15 percent of the votes and two delegates.
Biden was also declared the victor on Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Missouri and Michigan.
Mississippi Senate Democrat candidate Mike Espy received 90.68 percent of the votes in Lafayette County and garnered 92 percent in the state overall. Espy, a former agriculture secretary and congressman beat fellow Democrats Jensen Bohren and Tobey Bartee and will face Republican incumbent Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith in November.
Running unopposed, 1st Congressional District Democratic candidate Antonia Eliason will face off against Republican incumbent Rep. Trent Kelly in November.
In the Republican primary, 98.31 of Lafayette County Republicans cast their votes for Pres. Donald Trump. Bill Weld only received 25 votes and ‘Rocky’ De La Fuente received just 13. Trump received 98.6 percent of the votes across the state.