Extras News
MS Center for Public Policy Releases New Legislative Policy Guide
The Mississippi Center for Public Policy has released its new legislative policy guide, “The High Road to Freedom.”
This new policy document is designed to correspond with the upcoming four-year legislative term, and to serve as a tool for elected officials, members of the legislature, media, the business community, academia, and others interested in public policy.
“At the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, our duty is to pave the way so citizens are free to choose their own version of flourishing — unencumbered by government’s barriers and burdens,” said Jon Pritchett, President and CEO of Mississippi Center for Public Policy. “We believe the best way to get every Mississippian on the high road to freedom is to first hold government to its constitutionally limited role so that free market ideas and mechanisms are robust and so that private institutions (businesses, nonprofits, churches, families) can blossom.”
The document is broken into four categories: Regulations, Law, Local Governance; Economy, Budget, Taxes; Healthcare; and Education. Within those categories are more than 100 policy recommendations spread across 28 individual issues.
“This guide is not about politics or parties. It is about ideas,” Pritchett added. “And it is about ideas that can be put into action. Nothing in the pages that follow is inherently complex or difficult. Rather, we have tried to provide common sense policy prescriptions — the kind that require more spine power than brainpower to embrace. There is nothing in our past that prevents our future success. There is nothing about our geography or history that prohibits us from enjoying a bountiful future. By adopting policies based on personal and economic liberty, no Mississippian should be left behind.”
The document can be viewed and dowloaded here.
Press release courtesy of MCPP