Poll Workers Needed for November General Election in Lafayette County
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
Poll workers are needed in Lafayette County to make sure the general election in November runs smoothly.
The Lafayette County Election Commission is looking for people to serve in a variety of positions for one — albeit long — day on Nov. 5.
Those wishing to help at the polls must be at least 18 years old, be a registered voter in Lafayette County, have transportation to the polls on election days. Poll workers must also complete poll workers training.
The position is a paid position, and the amount is depending on the job. There are six different types of jobs:
1. Box Carrier – Picks up the bags on the Monday prior to the election and is responsible for getting it to the polling place, distribute all materials, and set the precinct up for the voters
2. Machine Monitor – Set and program all voting machines
3. Electronic Poll Book Manager – Retrieve ID and program voter cards
4. Bailiff – Keep Order, make sure voters follow all rules and regulations
5. Affidavit Manager – Responsible for issuing affidavit ballots to the voter when needed
6. Poll Managers – Assist the voter by directing them to sign the voter register
Hours are from 6 a.m. until after everything is completed on Election Day.
“Sometimes it’s around 8 or 8:30 p.m. or even later during the General Election,” said Lafayette County Election Commissioner Lola Pearson. “There is no shift change.”
To inquire about becoming a poll worker, send name, address, email address and phone number to www.elections@lafayettecoms.com.