Letter to the Editor: Using Term “Concentration Camps” Disgraces Jewish Community
By George Johnston
Leader of Confederate 901
Below is my response to your article Close the Camps: Community Gathers for Vigil to End Human Detention Camps at Border:
Some 6 million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust. You and others have disgraced yourself and the Jewish Community by recklessly using the charged term concentration camps.
In the dentition centers, no one is being held for political, ideological or religious reasons. No one is being whipped and made to work until dead from exhaustion. There is no crematorium, and no one is being crucified upside down as they were at Buchenwald, where a nearby area was called the “singing forest,” so named for the screams of the dying.
In the future, I might suggest that you do your research before taking your pen to paper. Some suggested reading includes the diary of Anne Frank and a Visit to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. In the Smithsonian display, you will find thousands of shoes worn by those killed in the German concentration camps.
The sooner you and others, including Cam Calisch, Dinorah Sapp, James Thomas and the UM Solidarity Group, learn that life is not always fair in your eyes the better off you will be, because you’ll spend less time railing against unfairness in your eyes and feeling aggravated and entitled and more time figuring out how to truly maximize your assets and talents and how to deal with things you’re not very good at.
In summary, choose your words more carefully, do your homework and possibly you and other activists in the Oxford Community should open your doors to the displaced migrants once they can legally enter the greatest country in the world.