By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
A proposed convenience store and gas station at the intersection of Belk Boulevard and Highway 7 was denied Monday by the Oxford Planning Commission.
The property is located on the north side of Belk Boulevard and the west side of Highway 7, adjacent to the Urgent Care Clinic of Oxford.
The owner Sumerjit Singh asked the commission for a variance from the city’s front yard build-to line which is a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 25 feet. The building is approximately 112 feet from the front build-to line along Belk Boulevard.
The intended use for this property is a convenience store/service station, and the proposed fuel canopy would be located in close proximity to the build-to line.
Paul Koshenina with Precision Engineering, representing Singh, told the commission that the site has a hardship due to its irregular shape and its topography.
The Planning Department staff recommended approval of the variance.
“Staff does believe that in this instance, the location for this service station is logical because the surrounding uses allow for commercial uses, it confronts MDOT right-of-way, the closest residential uses are on the far side of Highway 7, and the proposed use would have a lesser impact on adjacent property owners,” said Senior Planner Ben Requet.
However, no motion was made to approve the variance so the request died from a lack of a motion.
The site plan was also on the agenda for approval; however, Koshenina pulled the site plan request.
“We can’t build it without the variance,” he said.
The property owner can appeal the Planning Commission’s decision to the Oxford Board of Aldermen.