Art Vendors Ready to Kick Off Double Decker Weekend

By Ashley Muller
Broadcast journalism student

This weekend welcomes back one of Oxford’s most talked about events of the year: Double Decker Arts Festival.

Mississippi artists are visiting Oxford to sell and show off their unique work. Oil paintings, painted linens, and room décor are just a few items for sale at this year’s fest. This year the Double Decker Arts Festival is welcoming 148 art vendors to the Oxford Courthouse Square to sell beautiful handmade items. Art vendor Katherine Adams says Double Decker is helpful especially for up-and-coming artists.

“Double Decker can really be helpful for people who do art. It’s a huge market for sales and for getting your name out there in front of people so that you have name recognition,” Adams said.

The art festival showcases one-of-a-kind items customers can only find in these booths. Shopper Jamie Carr says the festival helps her appreciate some amazing artwork and spend time with old friends.

“We come every year, and we just love the art, the music, and seeing all of our friends. We have a lot of friends who come into town from all over that we graduated Ole Miss with, so it’s just always a good time,” she said.

Unlike the food vendors at Double Decker, art vendors don’t have to solely be from Lafayette County. Artists from all over the state apply to earn a spot in the art festival. For some vendors, this will be their first time selling their work to the public. For others, the festival is tradition.

“I’ve participated maybe a total of five times, and I go through the Oxford Art Guild. It really has been a great thing for me to do,” Adams said.