Hamilton, Aberdeen Remain Weather Alert After Tornado Damage

By Jack Newsom
Broadcast journalism student

Photo by Jack Newsom.

After a tornado hit Hamilton, Mississippi last weekend, the city is prepping for a possible coming storm.

The tornado ripped through Hamilton this past Saturday and now the people of Hamilton and the surrounding communities are watching the weather closely.

Richard Boone, the public works director in Aberdeen, spoke about the quick response of people around Hamilton and how important it is to be prepared for devastating weather.

There are different levels of storms or effects of storms, so we can’t ever be just content,” Boone said. “We’ve got to always come up with plans and be ready for emergencies.”

In Hamilton, Richard Oliver, chief of the volunteer fire department, discussed the readiness of the department should they be called.

“All of our trucks are sitting outside. They’re ready,” Oliver said. “We may not have all the lights and the mirrors and the sirens we need, but we’re ready to go.”

If you are interested in donating, Aberdeen City Hall is still continuing to accept supplies that will aid the people of Hamilton.