By Carson McKinney intern
A pair of four-legged Instagram celebrities gained some new followers when they visited Ole Miss’s Kappa Delta house on Wednesday.
Ralphie and Boss are two Newfoundland dogs—the most followed of their breed on Instagram with over 200,000 followers. The dogs’ owners are Josh and Bee Fisher, from California, who along with their sons Lenox, Cruz and Tegan have been traveling through all fifty states and documenting their adventures online.
The family began their travels after becoming Instagram famous, they said, and deemed the road trip a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the world and connect with followers.
According to Bee Fisher, one of her family’s followers, Tess Harris, invited them to stay in Oxford and visit Kappa Delta. The sorority sisters warmly received the family, offering cookies for the boys as well as pets and scratches for the dogs.
“We have been so blessed and welcomed by Instagram followers across the country into their homes,” Fisher said. “The reaction here was like the reaction we get everywhere. There’s this thing about big, fluffy dogs that just make people smile. It’s so sweet for them obviously, but for us too to see the joy Ralphie and Boss bring people.
Kappa Delta House Manager Maddie Skudder showed the Fishers southern hospitality as they toured the house, learned about Greek life and planned things to do while in Oxford.
“We have them at KD for the day to hang around with everybody, get some pictures and give them a taste of Oxford and what Ole Miss are like,” Skudder said. “I think everyone has loved not only Josh and Bee and their three precious kids, but definitely Ralphie and Boss too.”
The Fishers leave Oxford today to travel to Louisiana, continuing their trek across the United States.
Ralphie, Boss and the Fisher family can be followed on Instagram at @ralphie_the_newf_and_the_boss or their website