Grants Will Pay to Complete Sidewalks on Bramlett Boulevard
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
A grant from the Mississippi Transportation Commission will allow the city to complete the sidewalks along Bramlett Boulevard from University Avenue to Jefferson Avenue.
The grant, $167,000 in Federal Transportation Alternative Program Funds requires a 20-percent match from the city, which is about $42,000.
City Engineer Reanna Mayoral told the Oxford Board of Aldermen Tuesday the project has been a priority of the Pathways Commission for several years, as it completes the pedestrian corridor from Avent Park to Belk Boulevard and provide direct pedestrian access to Oxford Middle School, the Old Armory Pavilion from transit services and the Oxford Community Market.
“The Pathways Commission played a key role in this project as they recognized the need, encouraged funding and maintained awareness of the necessity for complete streets in this area,” Mayoral said.
Oxford Mayor Robyn Tannehill also thanked the members of the Pathways Commission for their work in getting the grant.
“I know Becky (Moreton) is smiling,” Tannehill said Tuesday.
The late Rebecca Moreton served on the Pathways Commission for several years and was a strong advocate for making Oxford more pedestrian friendly.
The Board of Aldermen approved authorizing the mayor to activate the project and hiring Elliott & Britt to provide engineering services for the project.