Winchester Lines Back Open; Injured Treated and Released
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
All product lines at the Winchester Plant in Oxford were back in operation Wednesday after a small explosion injured seven employees Tuesday.
According to Ted Zimmermann, vice president of Human Resources for Olin Corporation-Winchester Division, the Centerfire, Rimfire and Military Packing lines were operating as usual Wednesday.
At about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, a small explosion occurred in a bin where bullets are placed after being manufactured. Seven employees were injured.
“The seven employees who had minor injuries were all treated and returned home (Tuesday) night,” Zimmermann said Wednesday.
An investigation into what caused the explosion is ongoing, according to Zimmermann.
The Oxford Fire Department and the Lafayette County fire and sheriff’s departments responded to the Winchester Plant in the Max D. Hipp Lafayette County Industrial Park in response to the call and cleared the building of smoke.
Operations in the Rimfire and Military Packing building were temporarily interrupted Tuesday after the incident.