Larry Little to Serve as Lafayette County’s Chancery Court Judge
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
Lawrence “Larry” Little will serve as Lafayette County’s Place 1 Chancery Court Judge after winning the election Tuesday night against Holly Springs attorney Sarah J. Liddy.
Unofficial results had Little garnering 18,317 votes; however, absentee and affidavit votes were still to be counted at 10:30 p.m. Liddy earned 16,355 votes in the close race.
The Lafayette County Chancery Court is often referred to as the “family court,” as it holds jurisdiction over matters like family law, sanity hearings, wills, child custody and adoptions.
The 18th Chancery Court is located in the Lafayette County Chancery Building and hears cases from Benton, Calhoun, Marshall, Tippah and Lafayette counties.
Little has been an attorney for 40 years. He served as District Attorney for the Third Circuit of the state of Mississippi for 10 years and as the Oxford Municipal Judge for 19 years. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Mississippi School of Law and a state-approved mediator.