OPC Names New Deputy Director, Program Director

By John Davis
Courtesy of the Oxford Park Commission

Two familiar faces at the Oxford Park Commission will be in different positions heading into the start of 2019.

Mike Young and Jared Barkley are looking forward to their new challenges within the Oxford Park Commission.

Young will serve the city’s park and recreation department as the deputy director. Barkley will move from his role in athletics to become a program director for the OPC. Both moves were unanimously approved by the OPC board of directors recently.

Mike Young will serve the city’s park and recreation department as the deputy director.
Photo by OPC

Young has been employed with the OPC for the past 12 years. He has served as program director, working diligently to improve such programs as tennis, gymnastics, karate and fencing. Young was also a driving force behind other special events such as Movies and Music in the Park that the OPC provides during the calendar year.

“I am so thankful to have worked for the Oxford Park Commission for the past 12 years. I have enjoyed serving our community during that time period,” Young said. “I am honored for the opportunity to continue to work for our beautiful city in this new capacity as deputy director.”

Young, a native of Holly Springs, will work directly with executive director Seth Gaines on a number of tasks in the future such as improving the overall experience for participants who take part in sports and activities. Young will also take a larger role with the parks around town and help oversee any other events that involve the public on a routine basis.

“It feels great to be able to promote Mike to the Deputy Director role in our department,” Gaines said. “Mike has worked very hard and has earned the opportunity to serve the public in a bigger capacity.”

Jared Barkley was recently named program director for OPC.
Photo by OPC.

Barkley, a native of New Albany, has been the leader of the youth and adult soccer programs since his arrival five years ago. He has also organized the youth and adult softball leagues in the spring and most recently been involved with the creation of the lacrosse program and special events such as the youth-based track & field day held this past spring.

“I am thankful for the experience I have had in administering youth and adult soccer and softball for our community the past five years, but I am looking forward to continuing to serve the community and working with our instructors to continue programming great activities for our youth and adults,” Barkley said.

Gaines praised the work turned in from Barkley, and his willingness to tackle a new project.

“Jared Barkley has come to me in the past eager to learn all he can about running events and programs,” Gaines said. His desire to learn and serve our citizens in another role speaks volumes to the passion he has for recreation.”