OPD Participates in “No-Shave November” in Remembrance of Cancer Survivors

Story contributed by journalism student Jack Orloff

This month the Oxford Police Department (OPD) will participate in “No-Shave November” to raise awareness and money for cancer survivors.

The officers participating in “No-Shave November” cannot shave their beards for the entire month. The event symbolizes those who have lost their hair to cancer along with those who are currently fighting the disease.

Cory Burns is a barber at Don and Dale’s—located behind Burger King on University Avenue. He has not shaved his beard in over 10 years and said that his razors will be put away this November.

Beards are currently a big fad right now, Burns said. However, the barbershop doesn’t see as many patrons as it usually does during the month due to many participating in the awareness event. 

“So we usually see a little dip in business this month because nobody is shaving but its all for a good cause so its alright by me,” Burns said.

Jeff McCutchen, Major of Operations at the Oxford Police Department, has been participating in “No-Shave November” for the past three years. He said it is a great way to let loose after all the stress of being a police officer.

“It’s just fun for us. It’s a cool morale booster and its kind of fun to just pick at everybody and just do something different,” McCutchen said. “You know when you have to wear a uniform everyday everything is so formal… it’s just fun to kind of step out of the box.” 

Recently, a former member of the Oxford Police Department lost his wife to cancer. This made this year’s awareness event more personal for McCutchen.

“This year means a little bit more to [OPD] just because it kind of hit home a little harder,” McCutchen said. “We all know that people are suffering out there and we are just trying to do our part in helping find an answer to that suffering.” 

For more information on No-Shave November and how one can participate, please visit www.noshave.org.