Campus Reacts to Record Number of Women Elected to Congress
Story contributed by students Abbie McIntosh and Turner St. Romain
Two days ago the American public voted more than 100 women into office. Students at the University of Mississippi showed support for the results.
“It’s really exciting and it’s really encouraging as a young woman studying public policy and political science,” said junior Bethany Downs. “It’s nice to know that women can be elected and that people do trust them to lead our country.”
Other students on campus said that electing women into Congress can help the nation.
“I think it is about time to have more women in these positions especially when there are issues that I believe involve women and their decisions in Congress,” said Jack Sullivan, senior. “I think it is all about wanting more perspective and more representation.”
Many candidates who won their particular elections ran campaigns that went against the norm of past elections in previous years.
“Seeing some of these nontraditional campaigns that have been run during this election cycle makes me excited for the way our nation is starting to do things,” Downs said. “People are demanding accountability from their candidates, so it’s really exciting.”
The newly elected representatives and senators will begin their two-year terms Jan. 3, 2019.