Oxford Montessori School Hosts Halloween Fest for Families

Story contributed by broadcast journalism students Madison Aman and Kory Calhoun.

Magnolia Montessori School in Oxford takes Halloween seriously…making it seriously fun, that is. Teachers and students are mixing some history in with holiday fun.

“Historical Halloween presentations are autobiographies that the students write about a historical figure,” said teacher Brooke Flyspears. “I always believe that, if we want adults to be responsible and conscientious, we have to start teaching them to be responsible as children.”

The school’s annual celebration has a theme of peacemakers: which teachers say is a good way for students to learn more about the world and how to be kind to others. Each student had to choose a famous peacemaker to profile.

“I just love finding out about the character that I’m being,” said student Will Winkle.

One student studied George Washington Carver.

“He invented peanuts and I like peanuts. He was hungry and I’m always hungry,” said student KJ McMullen.

In addition to presenting their profiles on Friday morning, students can also look forward to fun later in the day. The school is sponsoring its fourth annual “Historical Halloween” carnival at the Old Armory Pavilion (on the corner of Bramlett Boulevard and University Avenue), from 5 to 8 p.m. Kids can enjoy bounce houses, an archeological dig, a cookie walk, crafts and carnival games that celebrate historical figures.

For parents, the Kit Thorn Band will perform live and wine, beer, cider, pizza, and other refreshments will be available for purchase.

Tickets are $10/child, $40 max/family, and children under the age of one and parents get in free. Tickets may be purchased at the door.