Oxford Fire Department Ready to Meet Demands of Annexation

By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor

This is the second in a series of stories on what changes new Oxford residents who were recently annexed can expect in the coming months. Topics will include water/sewer service, garbage pickup, police and fire protection, taxes and more.

Photo courtesy oxfordms.net/fire-department

Almost as soon as the ink dried on the order from a Chancery Court judge approving the city of Oxford annexing about 11-square miles of county land, residents in those areas were being served by city emergency services.

Chancery Judge Glenn Anderson approved the annexation Sept. 10 and within a few days the Oxford Fire Department immediately began responding to calls in the newly annexed area.

Interim OFD Chief Joey Gardner said since most of the land annexed is undeveloped, including only about 1,500 additional residences, the department has only added one additional person to its ranks.

“We added a fire inspector/public educator to help with (fire) inspections,” Gardner said.

The city gained about 75 additional commercial businesses with the annexation that will have to be brought up to code.

“We will be contacting all the businesses in the annexed areas to let them know that OFD will be conducting their fire inspections in the future,” Gardner said.

Some good news for Oxford’s newest residents is that all homes in the annexed areas are now classified as a Class 4 fire rating, which could mean lower homeowners insurance rates.

A new fire station is planned for the Oxford Commons area that will add nine firefighters (three per shift) and a truck to help provide coverage there.

Gardner said OFD will be working with the Lafayette County Fire Department and jointly responding to any structure fires in the new areas.

“We look forward to serving the people in the annexed areas,” Gardner said.