Some New Oxford Citizens Could See Decrease in Water Bill
This is the first in a series of stories on what changes new Oxford residents who were recently annexed can expect in the coming months. Topics will include water/sewer service, garbage pickup, police and fire protection, taxes and more.
By Alyssa Schnugg
News Editor
While residents living in the newly annexed areas of Oxford will experience a wide range of changes over the next few months, one change that should make most happy is a decrease in their water bill – at least for some.
Those residents who were already receiving water and/or sewer services from the city of Oxford will notice usage rates decreased to reflect the lower rate paid by residents of the city.
“People who live in the county but received city water pay more than those living inside city limits,” said Oxford Chief Operating Officer Bart Robinson.
For those areas that were previously served by Bell Utilities, residents will no longer be paying a $6 surcharge on their bill.
However, those residents who receive their water from a water association like East Oxford or College Hill will continue to do so and their bills will be unaffected by the change.
“In some of those areas, if the water associations can’t handle providing enough water for fire protection, then we will provide the water for that,” Robinson said.
Robinson said the city will be working to address any infrastructure needs in the newly annexed areas so that city water and sewer service are eventually available to all annexed areas.
Residents who currently have a working on-site sewer treatment system, like a septic tank, they will not be required to change anything.
“Some areas we’ll have to provide fire protection, some areas we will have to provide sewer,” Robinson said.
“If it’s a properly operating system, keep it,” Robinson said. “We still have people who were annexed in 2007 with septic tanks because they were built to MDEQ requirements and work fine.”
For more information about water and sewer services, contact 662-232-2306 or reanna@oxfordms.net.