IHL Meets Today to Consider Renaming Meek School of Journalism and New Media
The Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Board meets today, Oct. 18 for their monthly board meeting. On the agenda is the highly-debated topic of removing longtime UM donor Ed Meek’s name from the School of Journalism and New Media building. The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
According to IHL board minutes, the name change is under the consent agenda. According to councilofnonprofits.org, a consent a agenda “groups routine, procedural, informational and self-explanatory non-controversial items typically found in an agenda. These items are then presented to the board in a single motion for an up or down vote after allowing anyone to request that a specific item be moved to the full agenda for individual attention.”
This means the consent agenda, which contains nearly 50 individual items, will be voted on in one motion.
Any board member can request an item be removed from the consent agenda, but as of this morning, no motions of that nature had been filed.
UM Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter approved the name removal request to the IHL Board “shortly after” the vote advanced through the appropriate councils on campus.
“The proposal to change the name of the Meek School of Journalism and New Media has cleared all administrative steps required on our campus to change the name of an academic program. The faculty in the school voted to approve a request made by Dr. Ed Meek to remove his name from the school. The proposal was subsequently approved by the Undergraduate Council, the Graduate Council, and the Council of Academic Administrators. Shortly thereafter, I submitted the proposal to the IHL Board for expedited consideration at its October meeting,” Vitter said in a statement released by the university Oct. 9.
The request for his name to be removed is the result of the backlash from Meek’s now deleted social media post, which referenced two black females and had alleged racial undertones. Meek deleted the post, but not before it went viral sparking rage from the LOU community.
hottytoddy.com staff report