UM Student Explores Effects of Drug Addiction in ‘Mortal’ Podcast
By Anna Grace Usery
Victoria Hosey began as a print journalism major in the School of Journalism and New Media, but she eventually grafted to the digital world after taking a podcasting class one of her mentors, Alysia Steele, an assistant professor of journalism, taught.
Hosey took the podcasting last spring and said she immediately knew the topic she wanted to pursue for her project—alcohol and drug addictions.
“I grew up in a house where one of my parents was facing an addiction, as well as some extended family members,” she said.
She presented the idea to Steele who put her in touch with a co-worker and father who adopted a baby born with a methamphetameme addiction.
“My goal in doing this podcast was to break the stigma,” she said. “I felt the story itself was really compelling and inspiring.”
Hosey is the current news editor for 92.1, Rebel Radio. She speaks fluent German and some Arabic and says she wants to pursue international journalism.
“Tori has an ear for storytelling,” Steele said. “It was hard to give her critical feedback on her project because she was so thorough in her edits. I would love to see her be a producer for NPR or a major podcasting show.”
For more information about the podcast, please follow this link.