UM Pharmacy First-Years Receive White Coats

First-year student pharmacists prepare to recite the Pledge of Professionalism at the White Coat Ceremony. Photo by Kevin Bain/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services

Some 105 first-year student pharmacists received their white coats Friday (Aug. 17), at a ceremony conducted by the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy.

The white coat is a symbol of professionalism, and this ceremony marks the beginning of their professional journey toward becoming a pharmacist. 

David D. Allen, UM pharmacy dean, charged the Doctor of Pharmacy class of 2022 with helping those around them improve and maintain health and quality of life.

“The white coat is a symbol of professionalism, and professionalism should never be taken lightly,” Allen said. “It is a constant commitment. It is who you are as a person at all times, not just at work when you interact with your patients.”

Ole Miss student pharmacists wear their white coats to all school-related activities to demonstrate their commitment to upholding the values of the pharmacy profession.

The first-year student pharmacists also recited the Pledge of Professionalism that binds them to the responsibilities of a pharmacist, and asks in part that they “dedicate their life and practice towards excellence.”

Founded in 1908, the UM School of Pharmacy is ranked among the top 25 pharmacy schools in the nation and houses the internationally-renowned National Center for Natural Products Research. Through its education, research and service missions, the school aims to improve the health of citizens of Mississippi, the nation and the world.

For more information, visit

By Sydney Slotkin DuPriest

Adam Brown
Adam Brown
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