Oxford Crime Reports for Aug. 13, 2018
The following reports were made Aug. 13, 2018, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies.
Oxford Police Department issued 34 tickets, investigated three wrecks and the following reports:
2 911 hang-ups
8 alarms
1 careless driving
1 civil matter
1 credit card fraud
1 improper parking
1 motorist assist
1 phone harassment
1 property damage
1 residenital burglary
2 suspicious activities
1 suspicious person
1 vehicle search
Officers made the following arrests:
1 domestic violence with simple assault
1 public drunk
1 warrant served, no driver’s license and no insurance
Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department reports were unavailable this morning.
University Police Department conducted 19 vehicle stops and investigated a wreck with property damage.
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
At 7:20 a.m. to the IPF on campus after someone cleaning bumped an alarm
At 8:09 a.m. to CB Webb Apt. 926 for someone complaining of chest pains
At 10:03 a.m. to 104 S. Lamar Court after testing the alarm system
At 3:56 p.m. to 1903 Anderson Road after a wreck left someone with an airbag injury
At 8:24 p.m. to 905 Chickasaw Road to help lift a patient
At 12:27 p.m. to Phi Mu house after a hair dryer activated the smoke detector
Hottytoddy.com staff report