Blog: The Journey to Make One Smile Greater

As this summer has flown by, I guess it’s finally time to share my exciting story and what my future holds. Some may already know but I know others have not yet heard!

As some of you know, I have been working on prerequisites and applying for dental hygiene school for three years. I was almost to the point where I wasn’t sure if I was on the road that God wanted me on. I have prayed and prayed and prayed that God would place me wherever I needed to be.
I am a very impatient person but I do know that God’s timing is greater and that His plans are far greater than my own. With that being said here I am three years later and officially a DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT! I will begin school Monday, August 13th!
I have officially moved to Hattiesburg where I will be attending PRCC for the next two years. At first, the thought of moving 4 hours from home to a new town where I basically knew no one terrified me. I’m still a little nervous about things but God has completely orchestrated everything and the transition was 10,000 times smoother than I ever imagined.
Praise #1!
I have been in Hattiesburg about 2 weeks now and was very, very nervous about finding a job that would work with my schedule (only available on Thursdays and Fridays) but would allow me to be free on the weekends to visit with family and friends and attend church. However, last Wednesday I went around town applying for a few jobs and asked you guys to send up lots of prayers for an opportunity that I was presented with on the FIRST DAY of my job hunt. You all lifted me up and yet again God went above and beyond and delivered. I have accepted a position at Pine Belt Dental as a dental hygienist assistant and receptionist. Not only will I be working alongside an amazing staff, I will be gaining hands on knowledge that will only add to the knowledge I will be learning in school!
Praise #2!
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers along the way and ask that you continue to pray for me and my classmates as we take this journey together. I also just wanted to remind everyone that if you give things over to God, He will sustain you and provide for you – IN HIS TIMING.
I know that God brought me to Hattiesburg to be a light for Him. I pray every day that God will help me bloom where I am planted. I am so thankful for you all and here’s to the next 2 years!

Ashley Kate Williams is the daughter of Vicki and George Williams, a true Ole Miss family. Ashley Kate will be attending Pearl River Community College at the Hattiesburg campus this fall.