Lafayette County Business Center 35 % Complete

By Alyssa Schnugg
Staff writer

Construction of the Lafayette County Business Center and Multi-Purpose Arena is on schedule despite several days of heavy rain over the last two months, according to project manager Bryan Ellis.

“We have 215 days remaining on a 330-day project, leaving us 35 percent complete,” Ellis told the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors Monday.
There were 11 heavy rain events since construction began; however, none were severe enough to set the project back.
“It slowed some stuff down and made it muddy,” said Ellis, who is with Innovative Construction Management that was hired to manage the project.

A rendering if the future Lafayette County Business Center and Multi-purpose Arena. Photo courtesy of Innovative Construction Management. 

The center, located on County Road 406, is projected to be complete by March 5 and will be the new home for the Lafayette County Justice Court, the Oxford Municipal Court, Child Protective Services, Department of Human Services, the Lafayette County Health Department and the Driver’s License Office.
The structural steel work has been completed on all of the office buildings. Work on the arena’s roof and interior slab started on July 30.
“I rode past it the other day and it looks good,” said Supervisor Kevin Frye.
The supervisors approved a request to advertise for a contractor to build the arena’s dirt floor.
“How the flooring is done goes a long way with how animals will perform,” Ellis said. “It’s the most important part of the arena so we wanted to bid this separately.”