Oxford Crime Reports for Aug. 3-5, 2018

The following reports were made Aug. 3-5, 2018, by city, university and county law enforcement agencies. 
Oxford Police Department issued 39 tickets and investigated 11 wrecks the following reports:
9 alarms
1 ambulance assist
3 animal complaints
1 careless driving
5 civil matters
1 defrauding an innkeeper
8 disturbing the peaces
1 harassment
1 identify theft
3 improper parking complaints
1 K9 search
1 littering
1 lost property
3 malicious mischief complaints
1 motorist assist
1 obstructing traffic
1 open door
1 other agency assist
6 petty thefts
1 property damage
1 public drunk
1 stalking
6 suspicious activities
3 suspicious people
2 suspicious vehicles
1 trespassing
1 utility call out
3 vehicle searches
6 welfare checks
Officers made arrests on the following charges:
1 DUI, careless driving and fake ID
1 DUI, careless driving and possession of drug paraphernalia
1 DUI and child endangerment by DUI
1 DUI, expired tag, driving while license suspended and exhibiting a weapon
1 DUI speeding, expired tag and no insurance
1 DUI, speeding and no driver’s license
1 DUI second and careless driving
1 DUI second, failure to yield and no driver’s license
1 possession of a scheduled drug
1 possession of drug paraphernalia
1 possession of a schedule 1 drug and no tail lights
1 possession of drug paraphernalia, careless driving, excessive speed and no insurance
1 possession of drug paraphernalia and no seat belt
1 public drunk
4 shoplifting
Lafayette County Sheriff’s Department investigated two wrecks and the following reports:

2 wrecks

8 alarms
4 animal complaints
2 disturbances
1 domestic violence
1 grand larceny
1 juvenile complaint
6 service calls
1 sexual assault
7 suspicious activities
5 welfare concerns
1 transport
3 trespassings
5 informational reports
4 follow-ups
1 fraud
2 reckless driving complaints
1 court detail
2 road obstructions
3 civil matters
4 assistance calls
1 abuse
1 natural causes death
1 disturbing the peace
24 papers served

Deputies made the following arrests:
1 violation of a protection order
1 domestic violence and simple assault
1 writ to take into custody
University Police Department conducted 16 traffic stops responded to the following calls:
4 wrecks
1 EMS due to an intoxicated person
1 suspicious person
Oxford Fire Department responded to the following calls:
At 7:53 p.m. Friday to Highway 7 South for a wreck with steam coming from the radiator
At 8:13 p.m. Friday to Turtle Creek Boulevard for a medical call
At 9:32 p.m. Friday to First National Bank West for a possible stroke
At 12:05 Friday to Goodwill for a heat duct detector malfunction
At 3:02 p.m. Friday to 2504 Capital St., after the resident opened the attic causing a heat detector activation
At 8:31 a.m. Saturday to Rowan Oak for a hallway smoke detector malfunction
At 2:51 p.m. Saturday to 203 Chandler Ave., for a power line down
At 12:50 a.m. Sunday to 411 Cherokee Drive for a smoke detector malfunction
At 8:21 a.m. Sunday to Vaught Hemingway after workers hit a fire alarm pull station with a paint foller
At 9:12 p.m. Sunday to 910 Augusta Drive, No. 601 for an alarm after someone burned popcorn
At 10:02 p.m. Sunday to Campus Walk for a smoke detector malfunction in the laundry room
At 9:45 p.m. Sunday to 727B Clearbrook for the smell of burning plastic caused by the A/C motor burning up
Hottytoddy.com staff report