Pantry Provided More Than 500 Families with Food in May
Photo by Anna Grace Usery.
From The Pantry of Oxford and Lafayette County:
May was a busy month for The Pantry and Oxford Orchard Church. Besides the strong contributions from departing coeds, Children’s Ministry Coordinator Katie Amidon and her Orchard volunteers supported a 1,500 pound United States Postal Service food drive and a 2,500 pound Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) food drive both over the Mother’s Day weekend.
The May Orchard volunteers provided for more than 500 families and gave a cheerful approach to all.
While these contributions greatly assisted stocking the Pantry, they required many extra volunteer hours to sort and shelve.
“We are truly blessed with such strong hardworking congregations,” said John Kohne, a Pantry of Oxford and Lafayette County Volunteer. “Finally, special thanks to our friends at Lovepacks who donated more than 500 pounds of canned and dry goods as they closed out their school year. We truly appreciate all they do to help minimize food insecurity among our at-need children.
Kohne also said he wanted to thank the visiting missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for their continued Wednesday and Thursday support, as well as the University of Mississippi students who volunteered during the school year.