Arts & Entertainment
YAC Hosts Community Meeting for the Visual Arts
The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council hosts their second visual arts meeting for LOU community members to discuss improvements to the program. Those looking to participate can attend the meeting Thursday, June 7 at 5:30 p.m. at The Powerhouse.
Wayne Andrews, director of YAC, said it’s the council’s mission to engage with the public when considering the arts and artists. The council hosts these meetings to better learn what tools, resources and spaces artists and the community need, which allows YAC to plan for programming, he said.
“It ensures we are meeting the needs of residents and allows input for ideas that could enrich the community experience,” Andrews said. “Many of our popular programs have developed from discussions with community members and artists from public art projects.”
Some of these projects include the sculpture trail at Pat Lamar Park, along with the monthly art crawl. After exhibits and programs are suggested they are reviewed by the board and staff of the council.
“By offering a creative space, we offer the ability for increased understanding of the creative process, along with providing the opportunity for residents to create,” Andrews said.
The current round of discussions will focus on visual arts, but the council will have the same process for music and the performing arts in the future, he said.
“Lafayette County has a mix of arts coursing through the community—literature, visual arts, culinary and music,” Andrews said. “The arts help to define a place and create its personality. It’s that distinct sense of place that can’t be found anywhere else.”
Residents can also participate by filling out the YAC’s survey regarding the visual arts by visiting 2019 YAC Visual Art Exhibit Idea & Needs Survey.
By Talbert Toole, lifestyles editor of He can be reached at