Video: Graffiti Behind the Walls of Ole Miss
Video courtesy of James Farris and Garrett Shearman.
Behind the walls of Ventress Hall and The Croft Institute, graffiti can be found inscribed into the walls from the past 20 years.
Ventress Hall used to be used as a library for students. The staircase encompasses signatures of past students including Eli Manning who graduated in 2004.
The top floor of The Croft Institute was used for literary societies that students had to join years ago, according to Dr. William Schenck, associate director of The Croft Institute.
“At some point, based on the graffiti on the mantel, [the floor] was used by Delta Tau Delta,” Schenck said.
Some of the graffiti in the institute dates back to 1889. Schneck said it could possibly be the years the fraternity members graduated from the university.
By Talbert Toole, associate editor of HottyToddy.com. He can be reached at talbert.toole@hottytoddy.com.