Video: Oxford 7th Grader Lands Interview with Mayor Tannehill
Keerthin Karthikeyan, a 7th grader at Oxford Middle School, landed an exclusive interview with Oxford’s top official earlier this week.
Karthikeyan sat down with Mayor Robyn Tannehill in her City Hall office for a far-ranging discussion about her career in public service and her goals for Oxford, including the Vision 2037 plan, expanding the city through annexation, managing growth, and solving Oxford’s litter problem.
“I really don’t like the word politician,” she told Karthikeyan. “I kind of consider myself more of a community activist. I like to make a difference in our community … I’m really passionate about protecting the parts of Oxford that we love, and you kind of need to be in one of those elected positions to make a real difference in those policies. And that’s what motivated me to run for alderman. And while I was alderman, I realized there were a few things I wanted to change that I was going to need to be the mayor to change, so here I am.”
Tannehill ran unopposed in her bid to succeed Pat Patterson as mayor. She told Karthikeyan she wasn’t sure why she didn’t have an opponent but noted that the job has gotten more challenging as the city continues to grow. “We’ve got over 500 employees and a budget of over $70 million a year,” she noted. “It’s like running a large company. I think people have just realized it’s a really big job. But it’s a good one, and I love it. And I’m glad they didn’t want it.”
Keerthin Karthikeyan is a 7th grader at Oxford Middle School and a Boy Scout with Troop 146.