How the Square Prepares for the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Photo by Matt Taylor, Crooked Letter Photography.
If you’ve strolled through the Square in December, you’ve noticed the lights and Christmas décor that seemed to appear overnight. Ever wondered where they came from? Or how they got there so fast?
Surprisingly, it didn’t really happen overnight. Crew members from the City of Oxford’s Buildings and Grounds Department and Oxford Electric Department (OED) spent nearly three weeks beautifying the Square in Christmas décor.
The Christmas season in Oxford generally kicks off on Black Friday with the annual lighting of the tree in front of City Hall. But the planning begins a lot sooner.
Oxonians crowd the Square for the 2017 annual lighting of the Christmas tree.
“We have to put in orders in July for the Christmas trees,” said Greg Pinion, director of Oxford’s Buildings and Grounds Department.
Once the live trees arrive, one is placed inside Visit Oxford, one outside of City Hall and the third inside City Hall. Traditionally, a local business sponsors the decorations, such as ornaments, but this year the City of Oxford took it upon themselves.
“We put up all the lights,” Pinion said. “We also do the flower beds around the Square.”
The City of Oxford’s Buildings and Grounds crew spends nearly three weeks decorating the Square for Christmas.
Pinion’s crew spends four to five hours a day during a three-week span to handle their half of the decorating responsibility. Then, Oxford Electric places all the wreaths and maintains the lights that outline the tops of the buildings.
“It normally takes our crew a week to install all of the wreaths and turn on the building lights,” OED Superintendent Rob Neely said. “[It takes] part of another week to change out any bad bulbs.”
For the first time, OED this year ordered wreaths to be placed along Jackson Avenue, from the Square to Highway 6.
“We’re still waiting on that order to arrive and hope to get everything installed before Christmas,” Neely said.
Mayor Robyn Tannehill and Desmond Mayes keep City Hall merry and bright.
So there you have it. With the help of many hands, the Square stays merry and bright for all to enjoy.
By Randall Haley, associate editor of HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at randall.haley@hottytoddy.com.