No Time 2 Cook Recipe for the Week: Apache Ham and Cheese Dip

This recipe was a NoTime2Cook original that we sold in Oxford at the Mustard Seed. It is a delicious hot dip served with your favorite cracker, and it makes a delicious grilled sandwich spread! You can find more of Karen’s family recipes and her frozen products, online at

  • 1 1/2 c. grated extra sharp cheddar cheese
  • 3 oz. cream cheese
  • 1/2 c. sour cream
  • 7 oz. can green chiles
  • 1 t. minced garlic
  • 1/2 t. or to taste – low sodium Cajun seasoning
  • 1/2 c. chopped ham
  • 1 chopped green onion, leave a few chopped green stems for garnish

Mix above ingredients in a food processor. Serve hot or cold with your favorite cracker, bagel chip or toast points.
The dip in the photo was baked at 375 degrees until golden bubbly, then topped with additional shredded cheese and green onion stems for garnish. Serve with toasted French bread from the grocery bakery.
It also makes a great sandwich spread or filling for a grilled cheese sandwich!

In 2005, Karen Kurr began selling her Cajun and southern dishes at local farmers markets. Today, her frozen meals are still made from scratch in Oxford, Mississippi, and sold in 200 Kroger stores, independent retailers and online. Karen’s passion is simple: to help bring families back to the dinner table. Her products make dinner easier when you are short on time. Karen continues to share family recipes with loyal customers on, the NoTime2Cook website and on social media.