OSD to Honor Students and Inform Parents During English Learner (EL) School Celebration

An Oxford School District (OSD) program has cause to celebrate a special group of students: 24 OSD students in grades 1-12 are graduating from the district’s English Learner (EL) Program Thursday, Oct. 19.
Family, friends and school officials will honor students while informing parents about the program during a first-time district-wide event: the English Learner Parent Night and Student Graduation will be held at Oxford Intermediate School — located at 501 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Oxford —  from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria.
Oxford students are graduating or exiting the EL Program because of their test scores from last school year, which is reason to celebrate, according to OSD Federal Programs Director 
Dr. SuzAnne Liddell. The EL Program is a language instruction program at elementary and secondary levels which assists the growing numbers of limited- and non-English speaking students enrolling in the Oxford School District.
“We want to congratulate these students for their hard work and academic achievements,” Liddell said. “We also invite family members, friends, teachers and administrators and others to be a part of the celebration.”
Students will receive a certificate as part of the graduation program. Dinner will be provided at no cost to parents and families in attendance: hot dogs, chips, cookies and a vegetarian option will be offered. 
Parents who attend the event will also have the opportunity to see what the EL Program offers students as well as find out other district information related to report cards, grading, completing school lunch applications and making changes to school transportation. 
For more information on the EL Parent Night and Student Graduation, call the Oxford School District Federal Programs office at (662) 234-3541

Courtesy of the Oxford School District
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