Code Pink brings LGBTQ Community Together

Kendrick Wallace dances on stage at Code Pink at Proud Larry’s Thursday night. Photo by Walter Lyle

Thursday night, Proud Larry’s hosted Code Pink, an LGBTQ bar night. The theme was “Thrift Store Scores,” where attendees were encouraged to only wear clothes and accessories purchased from Goodwill or other secondhand stores.

The Code Pink Facebook event page described it is a “safe space for everyone to celebrate diversity for one night on the Oxford Square.” The evening was loosely structured with thrift store decorations, a DJ, lots of dancing, and drag performances.

“It’s what a straight bar should be,” said Blake Summers, co-director of Out Oxford and producer of Code Pink. “It’s about having fun, dancing, singing, meeting people.”

Rosa Salas and Jordan Zarzaur enjoying Code Pink Thursday night. Photo by Walter Lyle

Nathan Adams, the other director of Out Oxford, says that “Code Pink is a night when anyone can come in here and just dance and have fun. Especially people who don’t feel accepted in the rest of the Oxford bar scene.”

The main floor at Proud Larry’s was nothing short of wild on Thursday night. The celebration continued all throughout the night. The stage was open for anyone to jump up and dance as they saw fit, and a lot of people saw fit.

“I enjoy the sweaty, shoulder to shoulder experience that Larry’s offers,” said Summers. “We sweat, hug, and kiss cheeks. It’s honest love.”

The event drew all kinds of different people: gay, straight, queer, transgender, etc. Code Pink embraces everyone in the Oxford community.

Blake Lewis poses outside Proud Larry’s with his thrift store outfit. Photo by Walter Lyle

“I love coming to Code Pink,” said Blake Lewis, a current student at Ole Miss. “They say it’s like a family reunion for every queer person in Oxford.”

Along with the DJ and drinks, there was also a drag performance. The talent included Beverly Hells and Miss Amnesia Devereux. Full of life and personality, they brought their drag performances to Proud Larry’s for Code Pink. Their hope is to bring the LGBTQ scene in Oxford more above-ground.

“There’s not much of a scene here, but we’re trying to make it into one,” said Hells. “Opportunities for queer people don’t happen often for people here in Oxford. It’s kind of up to we the people to create a scene for ourselves.”

Devereux likes to see people coming together in a safe place like Code Pink.

The stage was open for anyone to come up and dance and be themselves. Photo by Walter Lyle

“Local community and support are absolutely important,” said Devereux. “When we can finally get together in a space that’s safe and inclusive, that’s the thing that means the most.”

The next Code Pink event will be at Proud Larry’s on Tuesday of Halloween week next month and the theme will be “Babadook Ball.” Out Oxford is also currently promoting an art reception called the “Big Gay Art Show” that will take place at the Oxford Powerhouse on September 26th.

Walter Lyle is the Social Media Editor at HottyToddy. He can be reached at