- We are just as nervous as you are.
We practice for months getting prepared for wonderful ladies to walk in to see our house. When the day finally comes for recruitment and rounds, we get just as jittery and nervous for you as you do for us.
2. Trust the process.
The house that you end up in is the house that was always meant to be. It will fit, it will be your home. No matter what pre-conceptions you had before recruitment. You want the girls that want you, right?
3. Your value is not defined by what house you’re in.
Your value as a human being and a person with interests and hobbies and a unique personality are WAY beyond what sorority letters on your t-shirt define you as. You are valuable beyond your letters. You are loved and cherished as a human being and not as just a srat girl. You are worth MORE than your letters on Bid Day.
4. There are wonderful girls in every house on campus.
Every house has a variety of girls and no matter where you go; you’re going to find your people. Some of my best friends aren’t even in my house, but in three other sororities. Wherever you go, you’re going to find a group of girls that you’re going to love.
5. Have real, intentional conversations with us.
We honestly don’t like small talk either, the more real conversations we have with the most intentionality are the ones we both go away with feeling refreshed and loved.
6. We apologize for not putting our hands right beside our mouths when projecting our voice.
Honestly, we look like flying dinosaurs when our hands are beside our ears when we come out to the lawn to get you. Just laugh at us and play it off, some girls obviously don’t know any better.
8. Your clothes are not what gets you into a house.
Yes, look presentable and act like you care enough for us to pay attention to you, but the color of your nails or if you are wearing Tory Burch shoes or designer jewelry does not matter. We’re looking at the quality of your character, not how much money you are wearing on your body.
9. Go where you feel loved.
The genuine conversations, the places where you feel like you’re special are the places that will not only make you feel loved during recruitment but feel loved when you are actually in the sorority. Go where you know the girls are going to be just as genuine after rush as they were before.
11. Don’t worry so much about who cuts you.
Again, trust the process. Just because you get cut does NOT mean you are not a wonderful human being and loved and appreciated and adored, it does not make you ANY LESS VALUABLE! You may just fit better in another house, and one door closing means another one is about to spring wide open!
12. Have fun!
We wouldn’t be smiling and yelling and screaming at y’all like crazy people if we didn’t care about you girls and want y’all to be happy and having fun! Rush is long and exhausting, but the better your attitude and positivity is the better your week will be. It’s all about perspective!
Anna Joyce is an intern for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at akjoyce@go.olemiss.edu.