Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Officially Welcomes Alpha Phi To Ole Miss

Alpha Phi House on the Ole Miss Campus. Photo by Emily Barnhouse

On Sunday, September 10th, 2017 the Iota Omega chapter of Alpha Phi cut the ribbon to officially welcome their brand new house to the University of Mississippi campus. This being the newest house built among the 11 other sorority houses that Ole Miss has to offer. Alpha Phi alumni, members of Alpha Phi International, students, as well as the Oxford community, attended the ceremony. After the ceremonial ribbon cutting ceremony, the members of Alpha Phi offered house tours as well as refreshments.
Bella Porter, the Vice President of recruitment, stated, “Today we celebrate the opening of our brand new house. We had family, friends, even alumni and Alpha Phi International come and celebrate this event. We are just super excited that we get to share our house with the community.”
From left to right, Bella Whaley, Bella Porter, Maren Bellington

The House offers a home to 53 girls, living and dining rooms, study rooms, a commercial kitchen, chapter room, conference room, and a TV room. The house also offers a wonderful outdoor area with a fountain, cozy seating and an outdoor TV.
“My favorite area of the house is the outside area; there’s a TV, fireplace and couches. Everyone comes there after class to hang out,” Porter said.  

The house includes a very special room, the “1872” room. This room is dedicated to the year that Alpha Phi was founded. The 1872 room is located to the left of the grand staircase; the walls are filled with dark mahogany wood and a beautiful chandelier placed in the center.
This wonderful house was decorated elaborately in silver and Bordeaux, Alpha Phi’s national colors. The ribbon cutting ceremony was a successful event for the girls of Alpha Phi to show off the place they call home. The event offered a celebration of the future of Alpha Phi and a celebration for alumni in the Oxford Community. This delightful event offered the public a glance into their sisterhood before the 2017 recruitment begins on Sunday, September 17.

Emily Barnhouse is an intern for HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at ebarnhouse17@gmail.com