Arts & Entertainment
OPC's 'Movies And Music In The Park' Begins June 9
The Oxford Park Commission is proud to present another great Movies and Music in the Park lineup. The annual event at Avent Park will begin June 9.
Yoknapatawpha Arts Council will sponsor the music. Cannon Motors is sponsoring the first movie, Sing, on June 9. Belk Ford is the title sponsor for The Jungle Book on June 23.
Boyd and Evans will be the musical group performing on June 9. Honeyboy and Boots will perform on June 23.
Other dates for Movies and Music in the Park are July 7 and July 21.
Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 will be shown on July 7, while Zootopia will be shown on July 21. All shows are free. Music starts at 7 p.m.
John Davis and the Oxford Park Commission
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