What's The CTX Today? Cool Tech At Pavilion + Passion Pit, The Weeks and The Lonely Biscuits At The Lyric

Ever heard of South by Southwest event in Austin, Texas? Well, think of CTX sponsored by C Spire and being held today, as a one-day, immersive, Ole Miss version of SXSW that you won’t want to miss.
If the immersive tech experience and great speakers (Brian Uzzi, Randi Zuckerberg and Michelle McKenna Doyle) weren’t enough of a draw at the Pavilion tomorrow afternoon…the concert afterwards at the Lyric, featuring Passion Pit, The Weeks and The Lonely Biscuits, is worth the ticket price in itself. And better yet, there’s a free Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality experience and a variety of booths and demonstrations for everyone from 10:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. for those who want to just check it out first!
According to Michael Stevens, with C Spire’s Major Marketing Initiatives, “This event is designed to inspire ideas and interest around STEM programs and technology around our state. C Spire is in a good position to be able do something like this, and we are fortunate that Ole Miss wanted to partner with us.”
Student tickets to CTX are  $12.50 for the Tech events and $30 for the Tech plus Tunes at the Lyric. Those who want to go to the concert need to act quickly and buy a ticket soon, as there is a limited number available.
NOTE: Lyric concert tickets must be picked up at The Pavilion.
CLICK HERE for Student Tickets ($12.50 for Tech Events/Speakers or $30 for Tech PLUS Concert at Lyric)
CLICK HERE for Non-Students ($25.00 for Tech Events/Speakers or $60 for Tech PLUS Concert at Lyric)
CTX Logo





Schedule of Events 

FREE EVENT (Ole Miss Pavilion)
10:00 -1:45 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Hands-on User Experience
2:15-6:00 Tech Experience (Ole Miss Pavilion) 
3:00-4:00 Brian Uzzi – Man + Machine is Greater than Man or Machine
4:15-5:15 Randi Zuckerberg – Social Media is Free, Like a Puppy is Free
5:30-6:30 Michelle McKenna-Doyle – Technology Drives Change
7:00 Doors open at The Lyric for Concert
8:00 Music Starts

Where: Oxford, MS

Experience and speakers are at The Pavilion and music is at The Lyric. Parking for The Pavilion is located in the parking garage attached to the south side of the building.

What: Engaging technology

Lose yourself in our interactive experience featuring some of the latest technologies our world has to offer. Get inspired as thought-leaders talk about the ideas and innovation driving technology today. Exhibits and demonstrations will take place at the Pavilion.


Brian Uzzi Biography Image

Brian Uzzi

AI Expert

“Man + Machine is Greater than Man or Machine”

Brian Uzzi is a globally recognized scientist, teacher, consultant and speaker on leadership, social networks, and new media. He is the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change at the KELLOGG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, Northwestern University. He also co-directs NICO, THE NORTHWESTERN INSTITUTE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS, is the faculty director of the KELLOGG ARCHITECTURES OF COLLABORATION INITIATIVE (KACI), and holds professorships in Sociology at the Weinberg College of Arts of Sciences and in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at the McCormick School of Engineering. He has lectured and advised companies and governments around the world and has been on or visited the faculties of INSEAD, University of Chicago, and Harvard University. Read More +

Randi Zuckerberg Biography Image

Randi Zuckerberg

CEO of Zuckerberg Media & former Facebook CMO

“Social Media is Free, Like a Puppy is Free”

Randi Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur, investor, author, and media personality. As an early employee at Facebook, she led major marketing initiatives in the company’s formative years, helped launch the live streaming video industry, and was nominated for an Emmy Award in 2011 for her innovative coverage of the midterm elections, combining television and social media. She helped create Facebook Live, which is now used by more than a billion people around the globe.
After leaving Facebook, she launched Zuckerberg Media, with the mission of creating media content that puts intelligent, tech-savvy, entrepreneurial women and girls at the forefront. Read More +

Michelle McKenna-Doyle Biography Image

Michelle McKenna-Doyle


“Technology Drives Change”

Michelle McKenna-Doyle is Senior Vice President and CIO of the National Football League. She is responsible for the NFL’s technology strategy, shared service delivery and management of the league’s corporate technology activities. She has been at the league since 2012. She is executive sponsor of the league’s WIN – Women’s Network, and was recently awarded a Game Changer Award by Sports Business Journal. In 2013 Forty Over Forty – Women to Watch named her as one of the top 40 women in business.
Ms. McKenna joined the NFL from Constellation Energy in Baltimore, Maryland where she was the Chief Information Officer. At Constellation she led the acquisition of competitive energy businesses and the ultimate merger with Exelon. Read More +

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