Haley Barbour Delivers Message To Law School Student Body
Former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour spoke to a large crowd Friday as part of the Law School Student Body (LSSB) speaker series. LSSB president and former ASB president, Gregory Alston, introduced the esteemed guest.
“We were honored and excited to have former governor of Mississippi Haley Barbour come and speak to the student body at the University of Mississippi School of Law,” Alston said. “Governor Barbour still remains a major force in Republican politics, and he did a great job talking about the current state of American politics.”
Barbour emphasized how politics is important to everyone, regardless of party affiliation.
“Government leaders make decisions that impact us each and every day, and it is important that we support our leaders in office,” Barbour said.
Barbour also talked about his law school experience and how it prepared him to get involved with politics.
By Randall Haley, executive editor of HottyToddy.com. She can be reached at randall.haley@hottytoddy.com.