Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker and Oxford Alderman Jason Bailey, who is running for re-election to the 6th Ward, spoke at the inaugural meeting of the new Oxford Pachyderm Club Tuesday at the Oxford Country Club.
Pachyderm clubs are part of a national federation of Republican groups promoting citizen involvement and education in government and politics. Russ Jones, a nationally recognized radio journalist residing in Oxford, organized the local group. Over 40 area residents attended the inaugural meeting.
In informal remarks, Wicker said he was proud to see the 14-yearlong run of the filibuster rule in the Senate come to an end with the selection of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
“Filibuster rule has been in existence throughout our democracy and only used the first time 14 years ago. Now, we select judges on a simple majority, which has been the practice,” Wicker said.
Wicker also told the group he got a “boost” of pride when President Trump took decisive action in Syria and Afghanistan.
“The word is out, the American’s are back,” Wicker said, adding he is proud to see the United States projecting an image of strength and resolve.
Alderman Bailey, a Republican, discussed the rapid growth of Oxford citing $285,000,000 in new construction permits issued during the year and a city now having 1,082 hotel rooms.
Bailey cited FNC Park as one of the drivers of revenue.
“FNC Park has 20 weekends of activity a year now, and in one week (this month), had 170 teams participate in the event,” he said, adding that some 90,000 people visit Oxford because of FNC Park.
Bailey said the city’s tax base is approximately 23,000 residents, but that budget serves 50,000 people. He said annexation is planned to add 3,300 new residents to the city’s population.
Organizer Russ Jones said the Oxford Pachyderm Club will hold regular meetings inviting prominent political figures to address members in the community. Individuals interested in joining the group can contact Jones at rjones60@gmail.com or 316-644-6185.
By Jim Roberts.
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