Domestic Violence, Vehicle Fire And More In Today's Crime Report

Crime ReportOxford police responded to the following calls: eight alarms, 911 hang-up, four disturbing the peace, motorist assist, five improper parking, civil matter, other agency assist, two reported DUI, petit larceny, animal complaint, seven suspicious activities, harassing phone call, fire department assist, recovered property, suspicious person.
Oxford police investigated 11 wrecks, issued 30 traffic citations and made arrests on the following charges:
Careless Driving and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Simple Assault
No Tag, No Driving License and No Proof of Liability Insurance
2 Public Drunk
Ran Red Light, Possession of a Schedule IV Drug and DUI
Failure to Yield and DUI
Improper Equipment and Possession of a Fake ID
Lafayette Sheriff’s Department responded to the following incidents:  two accidents, three alarms, animal complaint, two disturbances, domestic violence, harassment, five service calls, suspicious activity, welfare concern, scam, two civil matters, three traffic complaints.
Lafayette Sheriff’s department made two arrests
traffic arrest
domestic violence / simple assault
Oxford Fire Department: 
1430 University fire alarm pull station
1803 Jackson ave vehicle fire out on arrival
109 Anchorage Road fire alarm in breeze way

University Police: suspicious person, five vehicle stops, assist with traffic, accident property damage.

All lists and reports on Oxford Crime Report were provided by law personnel to as part of the public record. All persons depicted are innocent until convicted by a court of law.
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