Graphene Advancement Heating Up, Profiled in CNN Story
Read the latest about the wonder material graphene from GrapheneEntrepreneur.com, a news and information site founded by Ed Meek, the founder of HottyToddy.com.
At GrapheneEntrepreneur.com, we believe that graphene will transform our world, and we are dedicated to bringing the latest graphene-related news to our followers.
Over the weekend, one of the most watched news networks in the world, CNN, published a story on graphene advances which signals, in our opinion, that after years of hard work, research and development, graphene has finally crossed into the mainstream dialogue.
CNN’s story, “Are we one step closer to being able to use the world’s strongest material?” was inspired by the MIT discovery announced last week in which researchers created the new material by compressing and fusing flakes of graphene (see original MIT story on Graphene Entrepreneur HERE — the new, MIT-produced material has a sponge-like configuration with a density of only 5% and is likely to have strength 10 times that of steel.)
As CNN’s story states, “(CNN) It has been 15 years since the discovery of graphene, an ultra-thin sheet of carbon that is thought to be the strongest material on the planet.
Video Source: CNN Super substance may yield tech ‘miracles’ 01:41
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