Monday’s Top 7 Instagram Posts from

While all of Rebel nation gets ready for the holidays, students are home but Oxford is still buzzing. While the weather can change at any moment, the decorations around town make it clear that the holidays are upon us. Check out some of our favorite Instagram posts from this week! 


Merry Christmas from Oxford and Ole Miss ??

A photo posted by Matt Taylor (@thematttaylor1) on


Finals week may have sucked but Ole Miss sure doesn’t! #HottyToddy

A photo posted by Matthew Shafranski (@shafm10) on


Hotty Toddy #oxfordMS #bestplaceonearth❤️?

A photo posted by meblair1 (@meblair1) on


How she “reads” Faulkner… #tootsinator #lizcrowderdesign #oxfordms #oxfordsquare #williamfaulkner #merrychristmas

A photo posted by Liz Crowder Design, LLC (@lizcrowderdesign) on


❤️❤️Oxford, MS❤️❤️

A photo posted by Joshua McCoy (@olemisspix) on


Where am I going to college? Idk #merrychristmas #hottytoddy ❤️?

A photo posted by Claire English (@claireelizabethenglish) on

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